Your questions - Our answers

Are you still in the dark about the assembly and installation of our products, do you have general questions or would you like to find out more about us as a company?

You are sure to find an answer here!

General information

Eignen sich BBC Cellpack Isolierbänder (z. B. No. 128) für die Reparatur von Kabeln und Leitungen?

Solange nur der Kabelmantel (äußerer Kunststoff) beschädigt ist, eignet sich das Isolierband als provisorischer Schutz. Eine Abdichtung gegen Feuchtigkeit ist nicht gewährleistet. Sollte allerdings auch die Basis-Isolierung Schäden aufweisen, reicht ein einfaches Isolierband nicht mehr aus. Dann empfiehlt sich die Verwendung einer Gel-, Gießharz- oder Schrumpfmuffe. Gleiches gilt für Schäden am Leiter.

Hat BBC Cellpack irgendwelche spezielle Zulassungen? Z.B. Schiffbauzulassung, spezielle Zulassungen der Schaltanlagenbauer?

BBC Cellpack hat unterschiedliche Zulassungen und die Liste ändert sich regulär, aus diesem Grund für mehr Information bezüglich der vorliegenden Zulassungen bitte anfragen.

Können BBC Cellpack DR Quetschverbinder unterschiedliche Leiterklassen/Aderquerschnitte miteinander verbinden?

Da eine Vielzahl an unterschiedlichen Quetschzangen zur Verfügung steht, ist diese Anwendung hauptsächlich von dem verwendeten Werkzeug abhängig. Aus diesem Grund empfehlen wir, diese Anwendung vor der Montage selbst zu prüfen und freizugeben.

Können Garnituren unter dem Einfluss von Schwimmbadwasser verwendet werden?

Wasser in Schwimmbädern enthält eine bestimmte Konzentration an Chlor. Dieser Punkt fällt unter den Begriff „Beständig gegen chemische Einflüsse“. Dies bedeutet, Prüfungen mit dem tatsächlichen Chlorgehalt bzw. der Zusammensetzung des Wassers (z. B. Thermalwasser) sind notwendig. Natürlich muss von einer ordnungsgemäßen Montage und der Verwendung der vorgeschriebenen Komponenten ausgegangen werden.

Sind BBC Cellpack-Produkte (Erzeugnisse) mit dem SVHC-Stoff Blei in der SCIP-Datenbank gelistet?

Hiermit teilen wir Ihnen mit, dass unsere Produkte (Erzeugnisse) mit dem SVHC-Stoff Blei (CAS 7439-92-1) in der Konzentration höher als 0,1 % in der SCIP-Datenbank bei der ECHA (Europäische Chemikalienagentur) angemeldet sind. Die Produkte erhalten Aluminium- und/oder Kupferlegierungen in unserer Verbindungstechnik und wurden in der aktuellen REACH-Konformitätserklärung zur Richtlinie EG/1907/2006 vom 28.02.2022 erwähnt. Sie dürfen weiterhin verkauft werden und unterliegen keinem Verkaufsverbot. Die SCIP-Datenbanknummer ist datenrechtlich geschützt und wird hier nicht aufgeführt.

Der Grund zur Einführung der SCIP-Datenbank ist in der Richtlinie (EU) 2018/851, Absatz 38 beschrieben: „Wenn Produkte, Materialien und Stoffe zu Abfall werden, kann es sein, dass diese Abfälle des Vorhandenseins gefährlicher Stoffe nicht zum Recycling oder zur Herstellung hochwertiger Sekundärrohstoffe geeignet sind. Daher müssen im Einklang mit dem Siebten Umweltaktionsprogramm, in dem die Entwicklung schadstofffreier Materialkreisläufe vorgesehen ist, Maßnahmen gefördert werden, durch die der Gehalt an gefährlichen Stoffen in Materialien und Produkten, auch recycelten Materialien, verringert wird, und es muss dafür gesorgt werden, dass während des gesamten Lebenszyklus der Produkte und Materialien ausreichend Informationen über das Vorhandensein gefährlicher Stoffe und insbesondere besonders besorgniserregender Stoffe bereitgestellt werden. Damit diese Ziele verwirklicht werden, muss das Recht der Union für Abfälle, Chemikalien und Produkte besser aufeinander abgestimmt und die Europäische Chemikalienagentur einbezogen werden, um sicherzustellen, dass die Informationen über das Vorhandensein besonders besorgniserregenden Stoffen während des gesamten Lebenszyklus der Produkte und Materialen, auch in der Abfallphase, bereitgestellt werden.“

Sind die Kabelgarnituren beständig gegen Meerwasser?

Gießharz- und Schrumpfsysteme sind grundsätzlich für Meerwasser geeignet. Diese werden jedoch nicht mit den gängigen Prüfnormen direkt abgeprüft.

Sind die Kabelgarnituren im Trinkwasserbereich einsetzbar?

Eine Trinkwasserzulassung für die Garnituren von BBC Cellpack ist nicht vorhanden.

Sind Endmuffen und Abzweigmuffen für Mittelspannung bei BBC Cellpack erhältlich?

Endmuffen und Abzweigmuffen für Mittelspannung befinden sich nicht im Sortiment von BBC Cellpack.

Sind Wartungsarbeiten für die Garnituren vorgeschrieben?

Seitens des Herstellers sind keine Wartungsintervalle vorgegeben. Unter Berücksichtigung der örtlichen Verschmutzung und den erwarteten Niederschlägen (reinigende Wirkung), empfiehlt es sich jedoch bei Garnituren diese regelmäßig vom Betreiber / Verantwortlichen zu besichtigen / bewerten und falls notwendig von Ablagerungen (Sand, Salze, oder sonstige Verschmutzungen) zu befreien.

Warum ist eine persönliche Schutzausrüstung bei der Vorbereitung von Massekabel notwendig?

Bei der Vorbereitung von Massekabel wurde folgendes festgestellt: 

  • Beim Abflammen der Bitumschicht entstehen Gase und Dämpfe mit gesundheitsschädlichen Anhaftungen der Kategorien 2 und 3 (gem. 67/548/EWG), die Kategorien 1B und 2 (gem. CLP-Verordnung) enthalten krebserzeugende, erbgutverändernde und fortpflanzungsgefährdende Stoffe – kurz KMR-Stoffe.
  • Beim Aufbrechen der Oxidschicht des Bleimantels entsteht Bleiabrieb (Staub). Blei zählt auch zu den sogenannten KMR-Stoffen der Kategorie 1 (gem. 67/548/EWG) und Kategorie 1A (gem. CLP-Verordnung) und ist hochgradig reproduktionstoxisch.
  • Beim Anschneiden der Jute und des Bleimantels ist ein Messer mit feststehender Klinge zu verwenden aufgrund der Gefahr von Schnittverletzungen.

Aufgrund einer intern durchgeführten Gefährdungsbeurteilung in einer Werkstatt wurden die oben kritischen Montageschritte definiert und mit folgenden Maßnahmen beurteilt. Das Tragen einer PSA (Persönliche Schutzausrüstung) ist Pflicht bei der Vorbereitung der Massekabelseite. Bei der Anwendung der PSA sollte eine zuvor durchgeführte Gefährdungsbeurteilung in der lokalen eigenen Situation die Grundlage für die weitere Betrachtung sein.

Was bedeuten die Ziffern in den IP-Nummern und welche Tests werden nach welcher Norm durchgeführt?

Bei der EN 50393 handelt es sich um eine umfassende Norm, die die Sicherheit und Zuverlässigkeit von Niederspannungskabelmuffen und -endverschlüssen gewährleistet. Sie umfasst eine Reihe von Tests, einschließlich elektrischer, thermischer, mechanischer und umweltbezogener Bewertungen zur Überprüfung, ob die Produkte realen Bedingungen standhalten und langfristige Zuverlässigkeit und Sicherheit gewährleisten können. Die Einhaltung dieser Norm trägt zur Aufrechterhaltung der Integrität elektrischer Systeme bei und verhindert Ausfälle, die zu Sicherheitsrisiken oder Betriebsstörungen führen könnten.

IP68 ist ein Teil des Klassifizierungssystems für Eindringschutz, das von der Norm 60529 der Internationalen Elektrotechnischen Kommission (IEC) definiert wird. Dabei wird der Schutzgrad von Gehäusen gegen das Eindringen von festen Gegenständen und Flüssigkeiten bestimmt. Vergleich:


IP68: Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf dem Schutzgrad gegen feste Partikel und das Eindringen von Wasser für eine Vielzahl von Geräten und Gehäusen.

EN50393: Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf der Leistung, Sicherheit und Zuverlässigkeit von Niederspannungskabelmuffen und -endverschlüssen unter verschiedenen elektrischen, thermischen, mechanischen und umweltbezogenen Bedingungen.


IP68: Hauptsächlich wird das Eindringen von Staub und das Eintauchen in Wasser getestet.

EN 50393: Enthält zahlreiche Tests, wie elektrische Isoliereigenschaft, Temperaturwechsel, mechanische Festigkeit und Umweltbeständigkeit.


IP68: Vielseitig anwendbar in vielen Branchen, einschließlich Unterhaltungselektronik, Industrieanlagen und Montagen in der Außenumgebung.

EN 50393: Speziell anwendbar auf Niederspannungskabelmuffen und -endverschlüsse in elektrischen Anlagen.

Unterschied IP68 gegenüber EN 50393:

Sowohl IP68 als auch EN 50393 behandeln den Schutz und die Leistung von elektrischen Komponenten, wobei sie unterschiedlichen Zwecken und Branchen dienen. IP68 ist Teil eines universellen Einstufungssystems für den Schutz vor Eindringen von Wasser, das für verschiedene Geräte und Gehäuse gilt und deren Staub- und Wasserdichtigkeit gewährleistet. Bei der Norm EN 50393 handelt es sich hingegen um eine spezifische Norm für Niederspannungskabelmuffen und -endverschlüsse, die deren Zuverlässigkeit und Sicherheit durch umfassende Tests unter verschiedenen Bedingungen gewährleistet.

Was bedeutet FE180 und E90?

Die Bezeichnung FE180 verweist auf einen Isolationserhalt für 180 Minuten nach einer entsprechenden elektrotechnischen Prüfnorm. Die Bezeichnung E90 bedeutet Funktionserhalt für 90 Minuten eines kompletten Systems.  Diese Kürzel stehen für besonderes Verhalten der Kabelanlage im Brandfall.

Was ist der Unterschied zwischen den beiden Standards HD629 und IEC60502?

Unterschiede zwischen den Typenprüfungen CENELEC HD 629.1 S3:2019 und IEC 60502-4:2010

Was ist die Lebensdauergarantie der Garnituren von BBC Cellpack?

BBC Cellpack Electrical Products verkauft seit mehr als 40 Jahren Kabelgarnituren für Niederspannungs- und Mittelspannungs-Anwendungen. Basierend auf den Rückmeldungen unserer Kunden und durch deren Aufzeichnungen sowie durch die sehr niedrige Zahl von Reklamationen kann die Aussage getroffen werden, dass ein sicherer Betrieb unserer Kabelgarnituren für Niederspannungs- und Mittelspannungsanwendungen für eine Dauer von mehr als dreissig Jahren erreichbar ist.

Wichtiger Hinweis zur Gewährleistung:

BBC Cellpack Electrical Products liefert lediglich Komponenten (= Bausatz) und eine Montageanleitung, die deren korrekte Montage beschreibt. Die Montage und Herstellung der Kabelgarnitur selbst erfolgt nicht durch BBC Cellpack, sondern durch den Kunden oder eine durch den Kunden beauftragte Montagefirma. Generell gilt, dass BBC Cellpack Electrical Products gemäß den gesetzlichen Vorgaben eine Gewährleistung nur für die gelieferten Komponenten (Bausatz) übernehmen kann, nicht aber für die montierten Kabelgarnituren, da BBC Cellpack Electrical Products keinen dafür notwendigen Einfluss auf die Qualität von Kabelvorbereitung, Garniturenmontage und deren Betrieb im Netz nehmen kann. Die Komponenten für Kabelgarnituren sind frei von Sachmängeln, wenn sie sich für die nach dem Vertrag vorausgesetzte Verwendung im Moment der Übergabe an den Kunden eignen. Die Angabe der erwarteten Lebensdauer stellt über die Gewährleistung im Rahmen der gesetzlichen Fristen hinaus keine Garantie, Zusicherung, Beschaffenheitsvereinbarung oder sonstige den Verkäufer bindende Zusage und auch keine Verlängerung der Gewährleistungsdauer dar.

Beschreibung verschiedener Einflussfaktoren auf die Lebensdauer einer Kabelgarnitur:

Es gibt verschiedene Faktoren, die die Lebensdauer einer Kabelgarnitur negativ beeinflussen können. Dazu gehören nach unserer Erfahrung normalerweise und nicht abschließend die Kabelvorbereitung und Montage, der Netzbetrieb bzw. die Netzbedingungen selbst, sowie die Lagerung des Bausatzes oder die Temperatur, bei der die Installation vorgenommen wird. Aufgrund der vielen möglichen Einflussfaktoren erhebt diese Auflistung keinen Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit. Eine rechtlich bindende generelle Aussage zur Lebensdauer durch BBC Cellpack Electrical Products ist daher nicht möglich und wird durch uns auch nicht gegeben.

Einfluss der Kabelvorbereitung und Montage auf die Lebensdauer von Kabelgarnituren:

Grundsätzliche Voraussetzungen für eine lange Lebensdauer sind, eine sorgfältige und saubere Kabelvorbereitung entsprechend dem Stand der Technik, aber auch die sorgfältige und gewissenhafte Befolgung der in der Montageanleitung von Cellpack festgelegten Arbeitsschritte. Neben dieser Vorgabe gilt zusätzlich, dass für eine ordnungsgemäße Installation und Funktion des Produkts nur Komponenten verwendet werden dürfen, die vom Hersteller mit dem Kit geliefert wurden bzw. vom Hersteller der Kabelgarnitur empfohlen oder freigegeben wurden, zum Beispiel Verbinder mit Qualifikation gemäß IEC61238. Für eine ordnungsgemäße Installation als Voraussetzung für eine lange Lebensdauer werden, für neue Produkte oder technisch komplexe Lösungen, Schulungen der Anwender empfohlen.

Einfluss des Netzbetriebs bzw. der Netzbedingungen auf die Lebensdauer von Kabelgarnituren:

Die Lebensdauer eines Produkts ist immer auch von den auf das Produkt wirkenden Bedingungen des Energieversorgungsnetzes abhängig. Kabelgarnituren BBC Cellpack Electrical Products werden im Niederspannungsbereich gemäß oder in Anlehnung an die Norm EN50393, im Mittelspannungsbereich gemäß oder in Anlehnung an die Norm HD629 typ-geprüft. Elektrische, mechanische oder thermische Belastungen, die über die Anforderungen dieser Normen hinausgehen, können wesentliche Auswirkungen haben, d. h. zu einer Verringerung der Lebensdauer der Kabelgarnituren führen. Damit kann keine Abschätzung der möglichen oder verbleibenden Lebensdauer gemacht werden, wenn zum Beispiel Auswirkungen von Kurzschlüssen oder transiente Spannungserhöhungen infolge von Schalthandlungen oder Blitzstoßspannungen aufgetreten sind. Die Anwendung der zuvor genannten Normen ist rechtlich nicht verpflichtend. Selbst bei Anwendung aller Normen werden dadurch aber nicht abschließend alle Einflussfaktoren abgedeckt, die sich auf die Lebensdauer von Kabelgarnituren auswirken können.

Einfluss der Lagerbedingungen des gelieferten Produkts sowie der Temperatur bei der Installation auf die Lebensdauer von Kabelgarnituren:

In der Frage der sachgemäßen Lagerbedingungen muss nach der verwendeten Technologie unter- schieden werden: Komponenten und Produkte, die Gießharz-, Gel- oder Kaltschrumpf-Technologie oder andere kaltanwendbare Produkte verwenden, können Einschränkungen der Lagerzeit, Restriktionen der Lagerbedingungen oder Empfehlungen zu den Montagebedingungen unterliegen. Entsprechende Hinweise zur maximal erlaubten Lagerzeit, den empfohlenen Lagerbedingungen und dem empfohlenen Temperaturbereich der Montage sind der Produktdokumentation zu entnehmen und sind in Kurzform auch auf dem Etikett/Label des Produkts aufgeführt.

What are the applicable warnings and safety instructions for Cellpack's low-voltage and medium-voltage accessories (connection and termination systems)?
Was versteht man unter „Beständig gegen chemische Einflüsse“?

Eine Beständigkeit gegen chemische Einflüsse muss sich immer auf einen Stoff und eine spezifische Eigenschaft und deren Änderung beziehen. Allgemein wird bei einer „guten Chemikalienbeständigkeit“ eine breite Verträglichkeit gemeint. Normalerweise sind dafür Prüfungen mit Säuren (z. B. 10 % Salzsäure), Laugen (z. B. 10 % NaOH), polaren (z. B. Isopropanol/Wasser) und apolaren Lösungsmitteln (z. B. Transformatorenöl) eine Voraussetzung.

Was versteht man unter „Erdalkalien“?

Der Ausdruck Erdalkalien ist eine Verallgemeinerung des Begriffs Erdalkalimetalle, wie z. B. Magnesium oder Calcium, die zusammen mit Wasser eine chemische Lösung bilden. Diese Lösung kann chemische Reaktionen hervorrufen. Je nach Konzentrationsgehalt eines Stoffes können unterschiedliche Reaktionen auftreten. Grundlegend kann eine Lösung unter dem Punkt chemische Beständigkeit zusammengefasst werden.

Welche Bedingungen gelten für Transport, Lagerung, Montage und Betrieb von BBC Cellpack MV, 1-Leiter & 3-Leiter Produkten - CHE(SK)-I/O, CHM(SV), CHMPP..,CHMPR… und CHMP(3Pb)?

Die folgenden Bedingungen müssen beachtet werden:


1. Anweisungen für Transport und Lagerung:



Bereich der relativen Luftfeuchtigkeit
0…50% RH

Kurzfristige Lagerungsbedingungen (bis zu maximal 120 Minuten)

Bereich der relativen Luftfeuchtigkeit
0…70% RH

Abweichungen von diesen Bedingungen bei der Lagerung können zu Funktionseinschränkungen einzelner Bauteile führen und im Einzelfall die Montage erschweren oder unmöglich machen. Eine Fehlfunktion des Produktes ist dann nicht ausgeschlossen. Auch eine wiederholte kurzfristige Überschreitung der Dauerlagerbedingungen kann aufgrund der Temperaturabhängigkeit einzelner Komponenten (Füllmaterial, Feldsteuerkitte) zu Einschränkungen führen.


2. Anweisungen zur Montage:

Eine Montageanleitung wird mit jedem Produkt mitgeliefert (sie ist Teil des Kits). Temperaturbereich für die Montage / Installation für diese Produkte: 0 bis +40°C


3. Betrieb:


Verbindungsmuffen (Kunststoffkabel z.B. XLPE auf XLPE)
ist gleich der maximalen Dauerleitertemperatur des Kabels à 90 °C
Kabelendverschlüsse (Kunststoffkabel, z. B. XLPE)
ist gleich der maximalen Dauerleitertemperatur des Kabels à 90 °C
Übergangsmuffen (Papier-zu-Kunststoff-Kabel)
entspricht der maximalen Dauerleitertemperatur des Papierkabels à 60 °C
Verbindungsmuffen (z. B. Papier-zu-Papier-Kabel)
entspricht der maximalen Dauerleitertemperatur des Papierkabels à 60 °C

Welche Muffensysteme sind im Niederspannungsbereich vorhanden?

Unsere Muffen unterscheiden sich, bis auf die Verbindungstechnik, grundlegend:

  • Schrumpfmuffen verfügen über Innenmuffen aus Schrumpfschläuchen, welche die Aderisolierung nachbilden. Ein größerer Schrumpfschlauch dient als Kabelmantel.
  • Gießharzmuffen verwenden ein Polyurethan 2-Komponenten-Gießharz, welches in eine Formschale gegossen wird, um die elektrische Isolation und den mechanischen Schutz herzustellen.
  • Gelmuffen isolieren den Verbinder mithilfe der Gelverdrängung. Der mechanische Schutz ist durch die formgebende Schale gegeben.
Welche Presszangen können für AVS, AVUS Aderverbinder verwendet werden?

Die gängigen am Markt befindlichen Presszangen sind zu verwenden. Bitte fragen Sie hier beim Hersteller Ihres Vertrauens nach.

Welche Produkte passen auf eine Leitungstrosse?

Da es sich hierbei um eine flexible Leitung handelt, sind spezielle Garnituren notwendig. Aufgrund der vielfältigen Anwendungsbereiche lässt sich eine Produktzuordnung nicht pauschalisieren. BBC Cellpack bietet einige Lösungen an. Setzen Sie sich dazu bitte mit uns in Verbindung.

Welche Reinigungsmittel sind für die Reinigung von BBC Cellpack Kabelgarnituren zugelassen?

Auf Grund der Vielzahl von Reinigungsmitteln, kann nicht ausgeschlossen werden, dass diese teilweise Inhaltsstoffe beinhalten, welche die Eigenschaften unserer Komponenten nachhaltig schädigen. Daher wird empfohlen ausschließlich den Universal Cleaner 121 oder eventuell andere isopropanolhaltige Reinigungsmittel zu verwenden.

Welches Gleitmittel kann bei der Nutzung des Leitschichtschälers CP-P20 oder des Universal-Werkszeugs CP-FLM20 verwendet werden?

Zur einfacheren Handhabung der beiden Werkzeuge, kann ein Gleitmittel auf die gewünschte Stelle bzw. Leitschicht aufgetragen werden. Dafür empfehlen wir unser Silikonfett (Art.-Nr.: 124055). Gleitmittel-Rückstände sind mit einem Reinigungstuch oder einem anderen geeigneten Reinigungsmittel z.B.: Universal Cleaner 121 zu entfernen.
Von der Verwendung produktspezifischer Gleitmittel wie GM1, GM2 oder GM3 wird abgeraten, weil die beiliegenden Mengen auf die Montage des jeweiligen Produkts abgestimmt sind.

Wie montiere ich einen Presskabelschuh?

Hier gibt es unterschiedliche Möglichkeiten:

1) Presskabelschuhe aus Kupfer nach DIN 46235 bzw. Presskabelschuhe aus Aluminium nach DIN 46239 werden im Sechskantverfahren nach DIN 48083 gepresst.  Hierbei orientiert sich der zu verwendende Presseinsatz am Außendurchmesser, welcher auf dem Bauteil stets angegeben ist. Durch die Pressung werden die Einzelleiter gleichmäßig verformt und so eine stabile elektrische und mechanische Verbindung hergestellt.

2) Handelt es sich um einen herstellerspezifischen Kabelschuh (sogenannte Rohrkabelschuhe), so ist dieser meist nur für den Kupferbereich und Leiterklasse 2 nach DIN 60228 zulässig.   In einem solchen Fall muss immer das herstellerspezifische System verwendet werden.

In beiden Fällen erfolgt die Pressung von der zentrischen Lochbohrung aus (entsprechend der Markierungen) in Richtung Kabel. Durch die Pressung wird der Verbinder etwas länger. Aus diesem Grund wird bei der Kabelvorbereitung eine Presszugabe von 5 mm (Cu) bzw. 10 mm (Al) berücksichtigt.

Wie montiere ich einen Pressverbinder?

Hier gibt es unterschiedliche Möglichkeiten: 

1) Pressverbinder aus Kupfer nach DIN 46267-1 bzw. Pressverbinder aus Aluminium nach DIN 46267-2 werden im Sechskantverfahren nach DIN 48083 gepresst.  Hierbei orientiert sich der zu verwendende Presseinsatz am Außendurchmesser, welcher auf dem Bauteil stets angegeben ist. Durch die Pressung werden die Einzelleiter gleichmäßig verformt und so eine stabile elektrische und mechanische Verbindung hergestellt.

2) Handelt es sich um einen herstellerspezifischen Pressverbinder (sogenannte Stoßverbinder), so muss immer die Vorschrift des Herstellers Anwendung finden.

In beiden Fällen erfolgt die Pressung von der Mitte des Verbinders (entsprechend der Markierungen) in Richtung Kabel. Durch die Pressung wird der Pressverbinder etwas länger. Aus diesem Grund  wird bei der Kabelvorbereitung eine Presszugabe von 5 mm (Cu) bzw. 10 mm (Al) berücksichtigt.

Wie montiere ich einen Schraubverbinder (CSV, CSV-T, CSV-LHS)?

Bei Schraubverbindern mit Abscherschrauben sind während der Montage alle Schrauben nacheinander anzuziehen. Anschließend wird bei zwei Schrauben pro Kabelseite die Schraube zum Kabel zuerst abgerissen, danach folgt die Schraube zur Verbindermitte. Bei Schraubverbindern mit jeweils nur einer Schraube sind diese gleichmäßig bis zum Abreißen anzuziehen.

Wie wählt man BBC Cellpack Kabelgarnituren (Muffen, Endverschlüsse u.a.) aus?
  • Was ist die Systemspannung? Wechselspannung oder Gleichspannung?
  • Welcher Garnituren Typ wird benötigt? Und für welche Anwendung wird sie verwendet? (Beispiel: ein Endverschluss an einer Anlage, oder in einem Motorklemmkasten?)
  • Kabeldaten prüfen und mit der Beschreibung zu der ausgewählten Kabelgarnitur vergleichen
  • In welchem Bereich wird sie installiert? (z. B. Ex-Schutz-Bereiche, Bergbau-Anwendungen, Brandschutzvorkehrungen, Wassertiefen usw.)
  • In welchem Umgebungsbedingungen (Temperatur, Sand, Schmutz usw.) wird sie installiert?
  • Auswahl der präferierten Verbindungstechnologie
  • Welche Umgebungsbedingungen? (Temperatur, Sand, Schmutz usw.)
  • Produkt gemäß Spannung (System und Kabel) und Strom auswählen
  • Den passenden Querschnitt des Kabels wählen
  • Welche Normen und Zulassungen sind von Bedeutung?
  • Sofern eine spezifische Anpassung notwendig sein sollte, kontaktieren Sie bitte Ihren Ansprechpartner
Wie wählt man einen Überspannungsableiter CTKSA?

Für die Auswahl eines Überspannungsableiters CTKSA sind spezielle Berechnungen und die Berücksichtigung von allen Daten über alle relevante Einflussfaktoren im Netz notwendig.

Mehr dazu finden sie in dieser Broschüre.

Worin unterscheiden sich Nieder- und Mittelspannungsgarnituren?

In der Niederspannung muss durch eine Muffe oder einen Endverschluss die Basis-Isolierung und der Mantel nachgebildet werden. Dazu können Gießharze, Silikongele oder Schrumpfschläuche verwendet werden.
In der Mittelspannung sind die Isolationsparameter deutlich höher bemessen. Zudem ist das  elektrische Feld zu behandeln. Dazu werden Feldsteuerelemente verwendet sowie eine spezielle Geometrie der Systemkomponenten.

Wozu dient die CE-Kennzeichnung und wo finde ich diese bei BBC Cellpack?

Die CE-Kennzeichnung wird auf Produkten angebracht, die für den Binnenmarkt der Europäischen Union bestimmt sind. Damit erklären die Hersteller, dass die gekennzeichneten elektrischen Geräte den geltenden Gesundheits-, Sicherheits- und Umweltschutzanforderungen für Produkte im Europäischen Wirtschaftsraum (EWR) entsprechen.

Die CE-Kennzeichnung steht im Einklang mit der Richtlinie 93/68/EWG und ist für die Verwendung innerhalb bestimmter Spannungsgrenzen vorgesehen. Darüber hinaus darf ein Produkt gemäß der EG-Richtlinie 765/2008 nur dann eine CE-Kennzeichnung tragen, wenn die Produktanforderungen in mindestens einer entsprechenden EU-Richtlinie definiert sind. Beispiele für solche Richtlinien sind die Niederspannungsrichtlinie (2014/35/EU), die EMV-Richtlinie (2014/30/EU), die ATEX-Richtlinie (2014/34/EU) und die Funkanlagenrichtlinie (2014/53/EU).

Für Niederspannungsprodukte sind die CE-Konformitätserklärungen jeweils im Downloadbereich unseres Online-Produktkataloges frei verfügbar.

Wenn keine der Richtlinien anwendbar ist, wird die CE-Kennzeichnung nicht auf dem Produkt angebracht, in Übereinstimmung mit den geltenden Gesetzen. Auch eine CE-Konformität wird für solche Produkte nicht ausgestellt. Die unten aufgeführten BBC Cellpack Mittelspannungs-Garnituren fallen nicht unter die EU-Richtlinien, die eine CE-Kennzeichnung vorschreiben: CHE… , CHM… , CAE… , CAM… , CGS… , CTS… , CWS…

Unabhängig davon werden Mittelspannungs-Garnituren von BBC Cellpack in Übereinstimmung mit den geltenden internationalen Normen entwickelt und während des Entwicklungsprozesses sowie der Produktion zahlreichen Kontrollen und Tests unterzogen, um eine sichere und zuverlässige Funktion zu gewährleisten, z.B.: CENELC HD 629.1, CENELEC HD 629.2 oder IEC 60502-4.

Gel technology

Do the BBC Cellpack gel products impact the rubber cable sheath (e.g. H07RN-F) and can they be used for this purpose?

The BBC Cellpack gel products are made from cross-linked silicone. As soon as the silicone has cross-linked, the tolerance is not limited.

In which temperature range can the Cellpack EASYCELL joints be installed?

The EASYCELL joints can be installed in a range from -10°C to +60°C.

After installation, the joints can be operated in a temperature range from -20°C to +90°C.

Can I use an Easycell branch joint to connect or branch off several cables?

Thanks to their design, the joint shell and the associated branch-off block are suitable for one continuous main cable and one branch cable.

Can the Easycell® joint also be used as an end joint?

This use is generally possible. However, it has to be ensured that sufficient gel is displaced. This means that both gel surfaces must close around the cable end to ensure a seal against moisture.

Can an Easycell® joint also be assembled at cold temperatures?

The EASYCELL joints can be mounted in a range from -10°C to +60°C. As with all other joints, care must also be taken that there is no moisture in the entire gel joint area, snow and ice included.

Can BBC Cellpack EASYCELL® be used in water?

All EASYCELL® joints are tested in accordance with test standard DIN EN 50393. This standard requires for the load to be changed with 0.1 bar water pressure. This means that the joint can be used in water depths of up to 1m. The assembly specifications must be complied with at all times. Deeper applications can be agreed with the manufacturer, but have to be tested separately

Can the EASYCELL straight-through joints be combined with CU conductors and AL conductors?

Yes, EASYCELL 3V, 4V and 5V can be combined with CU conductors and AL conductors, since they have a tin-plated connection block with separator.

Are gel joints suitable for multiple use (reusability)?

The gel joints from the EASYCELL® , EASY-PROTECT and EASY-PROTECT Inline product range are designed for single use only.

What is the advantage of BBC Cellpack gels?

This new technology combines easy handling, unlabelled material and indefinite storage periods. The electrical properties after hardening create a permanent and reliable cable connection. We recommend to keep a minimum wiring distance between the terminals / cores and walls of the branch boxes.

What is the processing temperature of thermal stability of POWER GEL?

The recommended processing temperature of POWER GEL is between +15 °C and +30 °C, whereas the thermal stability is between -40 °C and +150 °C.

Medium voltage

What is the touch protection of the encapsulated separable cable connectors?

Shielded plug or screw cable connectors with and without metal housing are earthed materials that can be safely touched during fault-free operation if they have been earthed and installed properly.

We generally recommend not touching any live separable cable connectors as it is not always apparent from the outside of they are operating properly.

In the environment with what pollution class, in accordance to IEC TS 60815-1, can the separable connectors (CTS, CWS, CTKS, CGS, CTS‑S) be used?

Pollution impact is not an issue for screened separable connectors from BBC Cellpack Electrical Products in contrast to unscreened separable connectors or heat-shrink terminations. Following separable connectors: CTS, CWS, CTKS, CGS, CTS-S can be used in environment with different pollution classes.

Can a hot-air blower also be used to shrink heat shrinkable components?

Heat shrinkable components are components that shrink back to their original production state when heat is applied, such as spreader caps, end caps, hoses, or sleeves. A hot-air blower can be used for shrinking. The heat input, however, is lower compared to a gas burner. This prolongs the duration of the shrinking process. The settings and nozzle must be individually selected depending on the hot-air blower used. It is important to make sure that the surface of the shrinkable tube is not burned.

If it is a hose with hot melt adhesive (SRH...), the adhesive will slowly flow out at both ends. Uniform wall thicknesses and straight labelling are important indicators for correct shrinkage.

What is meant by the term "rated voltage" Uo/U (Um)?

The nominal voltage of a cable is the voltage for which the cable is designed and includes the operating characteristics and testing requirements. Based on DIN VDE 0298-3, the nominal voltage is expressed in volts by the ratio of two values U o /U.

The following applies:

U o – the rms value of the voltage between an outer conductor and earth (metallic sheath / screening of the cable), conductor-earth voltage.

U – the rms value of the voltage between two outer conductors of a multi-core cable or a system of single-core cables, conductor-to-conductor voltage.

In an AC system, the nominal voltage of a cable must be at least equal to the value for U o and U of the system. In addition, the IEC regulations also specify the highest permissible voltage U m (maximum voltage) in brackets U o /U (U m ). BBC Cellpack products are labelled with the maximum permissible voltage U m .

Can any cone-shaped voltage sensor (IEC 61869-11) be used with the BBC Cellpack connectors (CTS, CTKS, CTS-S, CTKSA)?


Is it allowed to use separable connectors (CTS, CWS, CTKS, CGS, CTS-S) with cable adapter (CA) outdoor (under UV-exposure)?

Conductive outer layer of the body of EPDM absorb UV radiation, due to this feature of the material, damage of deeper layers through UV-exposure is not expected. Cable adapter made of EPDM is allowed for outdoor usage.

Is it possible to use the CHE/CAE and CHESK/CAESK terminations with the Class 5 & 6 conductor?

Yes, CHE/CAE terminations can be used with conductor classes 5 & 6 according to the cross-section ranges in the data sheet. Appropriate cable lugs suitable for this conductor class must be used. CHESK/CAESK terminations differ from CHE/CAE in that they contain a screw cable lug in the kit. They cannot be used with conductor classes 5 & 6.

Is it possible to use the CHM joints with the class 5 and 6 conductor?

Yes, joints can be used with class 5 and 6 conductors according to the cross-section ranges specified in the data sheet. Use compression connectors that are suitable for this class of conductor. CHM joints are different from CHMSV due to the screw connector in the kit. They cannot be used on conductor class 5 and 6.

Is it possible to use BBC Cellpack medium voltage cable accessories with a cable with (H)EPR insulation?

Yes, BCC Cellpack cable accessories can be used with the cable with (H)EPR insulation, but the highest permissible temperature on the conductor during continuous operation must not exceed 90°C (according to HD 620, IEC 60502-2).

Can the CHM / CHMSV 24 kV straight-through joints also be used for 12 kV cables?

It has to be remembered that the cable cross-section and minimum diameter across the insulation falls within the specified range for the set. The reverse is excluded. In most cases, the applicable system voltages are specified in the documentation available and provided.

Are end joints and branch joints for medium voltage available from BBC Cellpack?

End joints and branch joints for medium voltage are not included in the BBC Cellpack product range.

Can the SRMAHV shrinkable sleeves also be used to repair a cable sheath in low or medium voltage cables?

The res ponsible person in the network is responsible for deciding whether a cable sheath can be repaired. This depends on the damage and the properties the cable sheath satisfies. In general, a cable may only be repaired with a sleeve if the damage affects only the outer cable sheath. If additional damage to the core insulation is detected, repairs by means of a sleeve are not permitted. The cable must then be repaired as a complete system, either with additional insulating and sealing components over the damaged core(s) or, if necessary, by installing a straight-through joint over the damaged cable section.

If it decided to use shrinkable sleeves, the sleeve should be selected according to the values mentioned in the catalogue. The operating voltage of the cable is not the deciding factor when selecting the right sleeve. The function of sleeves is described as follows - restoration of the outer cable sheath in its three functions insulation, protection against moisture and mechanical protection.

Is the SRAT or SRBB heat shrinkable tube suitable for protecting busbars and shortening distances?

The SRAT heat shrinkable tube can be used as a core insulating tube for end closures and as protection against corrosion. It must not be used to protect busbars or to shorten the distances between these busbars. This function has not been tested. It cannot be guaranteed. The SRBB hose is the right solution for this application.

Can the screw cable lugs of the Cellplux connector product range be used on a flexible cable (e.g.: PowerAmp-AMS) with a class 5 conductor made of aluminium?

The screw cable lugs of the connector product range are not suitable for this application. This type of cable is very special and requires deeper inspection for suitability.

Is it allowed to use the lubricant from other manufacturers instead of GM1 for cable connections?

No, this is not recommended. The lubricants are assigned to specific cable accessories. Most have electrical properties in special areas (e.g. dissipation factor or dielectric constant). A standardisation is not possible.

Can the screw cable lugs of the Cellplux connector family be used on a fine stranded cable with a class 5 copper conductor?

It can be used according to the compatibility table. The cross-sectional area deviates from the current standard products.

Download overview

Can the contact pin be reused with Cellplux CTS and CTKS connectors?

The contact pin can be removed with a long socket, which makes it possible to reuse it. We recommend using an additional set, because the surfaces are both cleaned and the lubricant GM1 must be reused. It is also important to ensure appropriate air-release during installation on the feed-through and the termination insert. The required torque is available on request.

Are end joints and branch joints for medium voltage available from BBC Cellpack?

End joints and branch joints for medium voltage are not included in the BBC Cellpack product range.

Do BBC Cellpack tubes – type SR(H), SRAT and SRBB – contain chlorine and sulphur?

Cellpack SR(H), SRAT, SRBB hoses do not contain chlorine (or any other halogen-containing materials), sulphur, heavy metals or substances that are hazardous to health. A corresponding RohS and Reach conformity confirmation is available for the respective component.

Can cable connectors with wrapped sealing (e.g. CTS) be used in open air (with UV radiation)?

Conductive outer layer of the body of EPDM absorb UV radiation and, in most cases, there is UV-exposure which leads to partly surface aging at the border of material with outside atmosphere. Due to this feature of the material, damage of deeper layers through UV-exposure is not expected. The usage of UV-stabilized PVC band (e.x. No. 328) on the cable entry is recommended.

Which lubricant can be used when using the CP-P20 conductive layer peeler or the CP-FLM20 universal tool?

For easier handling of the two tools, a lubricant can be applied to the desired location or conductive layer. We recommend our silicone grease (item no.: 124055) for this purpose. Lubricant residues should be removed with a cleaning cloth or another suitable cleaning agent, e.g: Universal Cleaner 121.
The use of product-specific lubricants such as GM1, GM2 or GM3 is not recommended, as the enclosed quantities are adapted to the assembly of the respective product.

What is the difference between EPDM and SIR insulation for separable connectors?

Ethylen-Propylen-Dien-Kautschuk (EPDM) and Silicon Rubber (SIR) are both good insulation materials. And separable connectors with both insulation successfully pass tests according to HD 629.1.

In the environment with what pollution class, in accordance to IEC TS 60815-1, can the separable connectors (CTS, CWS, CTKS, CGS, CTS‑S) be used?

Pollution impact is not an issue for screened separable connectors from BBC Cellpack Electrical Products in contrast to unscreened separable connectors or heat-shrink terminations. Following separable connectors: CTS, CWS, CTKS, CGS, CTS-S can be used in environment with different pollution classes.

What is the tightening torque of the PIN of a CWS 400A connector if the Alen Key is no longer present?What is the tightening torque of the PIN of a CWS 400A connector if the Alen Key is no longer present?

The tightening torque is 30Nm.

What is the ratio of the capacitive measuring point at the plug-ins CTS and what will be the measurable voltage?

The calculated possible voltage on capacitive measuring point is between 0,08 … 0,5 U o , depending on capacity ratio (conductor to measuring point and measuring point to earth). In any case, even minimum at 6/10(12)kV , voltages can be reached up to 500V.

So open measuring point is always dangerous to life! Since measuring is object of system operator, BBC Cellpack do not have safety procedure beside normal safety procedure for handling of electrotechnical equipment.

It must be clear that the voltage on measuring point is dangerous.

Which impact wrenches are suitable for shearing off shear head bolts?
  • The tools in the table have been tried and tested as assembly tools. A manufacturer-independent release of impact wrenches is not possible according to the current status, since only tested devices can be released (product liability).
  • Notes on assembly: The tools must not have any defects and must be used properly and according to the enclosed instructions. They must also be positioned correctly and perpendicular to the shear bolt.
  • There must be no leverage effect on the shear bolt. Suitable tool inserts (one-piece) must be used. The battery must be sufficiently charged. The assembly must be carried out according to the assembly instructions. The connectors or cable lugs must be approved for the respective application.


Approved screw connectors and cable lug types from

Tool type

BBC Cellpack 

  • TYCO IT-1000-023 (manufacturer: Hitachi)
  • TYCO IT-1000-033 (manufacturer: Hitachi)
  • ASKO compact type BTW 250 FRE (manufacturer: Makita)
  • ASKO professional type BTW 151 RJEX (manufacturer: Makita)
  • Pfisterer type C18 IW (manufacturer: Milwaukee)
  • Type PIW 14.4 SD ½" (manufacturer: Milkauwee)


  • TYCO IT-1000-023 (manufacturer: Hitachi)
  • TYCO IT-1000-033 (manufacturer: Hitachi)
  • ASKO compact type BTW 250 RFE (manufacturer: Makita)
  • ASKO professional type BTW 151 RJEX (manufacturer: Makita)
  • Pfisterer type C18 IW (manufacturer: Milwaukee)


  • TYCO IT-1000-023 (manufacturer: Hitachi)
  • TYCO IT-1000-033 (manufacturer: Hitachi)
  • ASKO professional type BTW 151 RJEX (manufacturer: Makita)
  • ASKO compact type BTW 250 … (manufacturer: Makita)
  • ASKO compact type DTW 250 … (manufacturer: Makita)
  • ASKO compact type DTW 280 … (manufacturer: Makita)
  • ASKO compact type DTW 285 … (manufacturer: Makita)
  • Pfisterer type C18 IW (manufacturer: Milwaukee)
What is the transport, storage, mounting and operation conditions for BBC Cellpack medium voltage hybrid heat shrink products up to Umax = 42kV?

1. Instructions of transportation and storage:

Storage conditions

Temperature range0°C... + 50°C                 Relative humidity range0°C... 50% RH

Short-term storage conditions (up to maximum 120 minutes)

Temperature range-40°C... + 50 °C            Relative humidity range0°C... 70 % RH

Deviations from these conditions during storage can lead to restrictions in the function of individual components and in individual cases make assembly difficult or impossible. A malfunction of the product is then not excluded. Even a repeated short-term exceeding of the permanent storage conditions can lead to restrictions due to the temperature dependencies of individual components (filling material, field control mastics).

2. Instructions of Mounting

Mounting instructions are provided with each product (it is a part of the kit). Temperature range for mounting / Installation for these products: 0 to +40°C

3. Operation

Operation temperature range (always dependant also on the cable criteria):

Straight-through joints (polymeric insulated cables e.g. XLPE to XLPEis same as the maximum continuous conductor temperature of cable à 90 °CCable terminations (polymeric insulated cables e.g. XLPE)is same as the maximum continuous conductor temperature of cable à 90 °CTransition joints (paper to polymeric insulated cables)is same as the maximum continuous conductor temperature of paper cable à 60 °CTraight-through joints (e.g. paper to polymeric insulated cables)is same as the maximum continuous conductor temperature of paper cable à 60 °C

What conditions apply to the transportation, storage, installation and operation of BBC Cellpack MV, 1-wire & 3-wire products - CHE(SK)-I/O, CHM(SV), CHMPP..,CHMPR... and CHMP(3Pb)?

The following conditions must be observed:


1. Instructions for transportation and storage:

Storage conditions

Temperature range0…+50°CRelative humidity range

0…50% RH


Short-term storage conditions (up to a maximum of 120 minutes)

Temperature range-40...+60°CRelative humidity range0…70% RH


Deviations from these conditions during storage can lead to functional limitations of individual components and, in individual cases, make assembly more difficult or impossible. A malfunction of the product cannot then be ruled out. Repeated short-term exceeding of the permanent storage conditions can also lead to restrictions due to the temperature dependency of individual components (filling material, field control mastics).


2. Instructions for assembly:

Mounting instructions are supplied with each product (they are part of the kit). Temperature range for mounting / installation for these products: 0 to +40°C


3. Operation:

Operating temperature range:

Straight-through joints (plastic cable e.g. XLPE to XLPE)is equal to the maximum continuous conductor temperature of the cable at 90 °CCable terminations (plastic cables, e.g. XLPE)is equal to the maximum continuous conductor temperature of the cable at 90 °CTransition joints (paper-to-plastic cable)corresponds to the maximum continuous conductor temperature of the paper cable at 60 °CStraight-through joints (e.g. paper-to-paper cable)corresponds to the maximum continuous conductor temperature of the paper cable at 60 °C

What is the service life of cable fittings from BBC Cellpack GmbH?

BBC Cellpack Electrical Products has been selling cable accessories for low and medium voltage applications for more than 40 years. Based on feedback from our customers and their records, as well as the very low number of complaints, it can be stated that safe operation of our cable accessories for low voltage and medium voltage applications is achievable for a period of more than thirty years.

Important note on warranty:

BBC Cellpack Electrical Products is only supplying components (kit) with installation instructions describing their assembly steps. The assembly of the cable accessories itself is not carried out by BBC Cellpack, but by the customer or an assembly company appointed by the customer. In general, in accordance with legal requirements, BBC Cellpack Electrical Products can only provide warranty for the components (kit) supplied, but not for the assembled cable accessories, as BBC Cellpack Electrical Products has no necessary influence on the quality of cable preparation and assembly of the cable accessory or their operation in the network. The cable accessories are free from material defects if they are suitable for the use stipulated in the contract at the time of handover to the customer. The specification of the expected lifetime does not represent a guarantee, assurance, quality agreement or other commitment binding on the seller and also does not represent an extension of the warranty period beyond the warranty within the framework of the statutory periods.

Description of various factors influencing the service life of cable accessories:

There are several factors that can negatively affect the service life of a cable accessory. In our experience, these include normally and not exclusively cable preparation and assembly, network operation or the network conditions themselves, as well as the storage of the kit or the temperature at which the installation is carried out. Due to the many possible influencing factors, this list does not claim to be complete. A legally binding general statement on the service life by BBC Cellpack Electrical Products is therefore not possible and will not be given by us. Influence of cable preparation and assembly on the service life of cable accessories: Basic requirement to achieve the lifetime are careful and clean cable preparation in accordance with the state of technology, but also careful and conscientious compliance with the work steps specified in BBC Cellpack installation instructions. In addition to this requirement, only components supplied from the manufacturer as part of the kit or recommended or approved by the manufacturer, for example connectors qualified according to IEC61238, may be used for proper installation and function of the product. For proper installation as a prerequisite for a long service life, user training is recommended for new products or technically complex solutions.

Influence of network operation or network conditions on the service life of cable accessories:

The service life of a product always depends on the conditions of the power supply network acting on the product. BBC Cellpack Electrical Products cable accessories are type-tested in the low-voltage range in accordance with or based on the EN50393 standard, and in the medium-voltage range in accordance with or based on the HD629 standard. Electrical, mechanical or thermal stresses exceeding the requirements of these standards may have significant effects, i. e. lead to a reduction in the service life of the cable accessories. Thus, no estimate of the possible or remaining service life can be made if, for example, effects of short circuits or transient voltage increases due to switching operations or lightning surge voltages have occurred. The application of the aforementioned standards is not legally binding. However, even if all standards are applied, not all of the influencing factors that may affect the service life of cable accessories are conclusively.

Influence of the storage conditions of the delivered product as well as the temperature during installation on the service life of cable accessories:

In the question of proper storage conditions, a distinction must be made according to the technology used: Components and products using cast resin, gel or cold shrink technology or other cold-applied products may be subject to restrictions on storage time, restrictions on storage conditions or recommendations on installation conditions. Corresponding information on the maximum permitted storage time, the recommended storage conditions and the recommended temperature range for assembly can be found in the product documentation and is also listed in brief form on the product label/label.

The surfaces of the screw and pluggable separable connectors made of EPDM rubber (Cellplux) shine, is that a problem?

Deposits in the form of uniform crystallisation on the inner surface of EPDM insulating bodies are process-related degradation products of the peroxide used in the manufacturing process.

There are no negative findings on effects of such crystallisation that would impair the function of the device. Depending on storage temperatures and duration, these crystal formations can occur on all surfaces. In case of very strong crystallisation, we recommend wiping the inner surfaces as part of the inspection and cleaning process prior to assembly in order to avoid influences when screwing in the insulating terminations or placing the insulating body on the entry point.

Why is personal protective equipment necessary when preparing mass-impregnated cables?

The following was determined when preparing mass-impregnated cables:

  • Flaming the bitumen layer produces gases and vapours with harmful adhesions of categories 2 and 3 (according to 67/548/EEC). Categories 1B and 2 (according to the CLP regulation) contain carcinogenic, mutagenic and reprotoxic substances – in short, CMR substances.
  • Lead abrasion (dust) is produced when the oxide layer of the lead sheath is broken open. Lead also belongs to the CMR substances of category 1 (according to 67/548/EEC) and category 1A (according to the CLP regulation) and is highly toxic to reproduction.
  • A knife with a fixed blade must be used when cutting the jute and the lead sheath due to the risk of cutting injuries.

Based on an internal risk assessment conducted in a workshop, the above critical assembly steps were defined and assessed using the following measures. Wearing PPE (personal protective equipment) is mandatory when preparing the mass-impregnated cable side. When using PPE, a risk assessment previously carried out in a specific local situation should provide the basis for further consideration.

Low voltage

Are BBC Cellpack insulation tapes (e.g. No. 128) suitable for repairing cables and cores?

As long as only the cable sheath (external plastic) has been damaged, the insulation tape can be used as a temporary protection. It does not create a secure seal against moisture. However, if the base insulation is also damaged, simple insulation tape is no longer sufficient. In this case, it is recommended to use a gel, cat resin or heat shrinkable cable joint. The same applies to damages to the core.

Are the BBC Cellpack SHE house connection points suitable for feed-through in a floor slab, as a replacement for e.g. a multi-branch house connection point?

The SHE house connection point is not suitable for feed-through in floor slabs.

Are BBC Cellpack heat shrinkable cable joints, cast resin joints or gel joints approved for use in areas subject to explosion hazard?

There is currently no approval for use in areas subject to explosion hazard.

The outer sheath of an E90 cable is damaged. Can a shrinkable sleeve be used for repairs?

Whether a shrinkable sleeve can be used for repairing the cable sheath is based on the damage assessment of the cable manufacturer. The shrinkable sleeve is only used for mechanical protection and prevents the moisture ingress. The shrinkable sleeve does not fulfil any beneficial properties for operating E90 cables.

Are there any minimum distances that have to be kept when working with cast resin or gel systems?

To create a safe electrical connection, a minimum distance of 5 mm is compulsory for low voltage (up to 1 kV) between the terminals / cores and plastic shell and/or housing of the branch box. This 5 mm distance also applies to gaps between individual non-insulated connectors. Individual measurement sin the BBC Cellpack assembly instructions may vary according to product.

Are there any findings available on the general UV resistance of self-sealing tapes for above-ground installation?

The self-sealing tapes with UV stabilisation offered by BBC Cellpack are specified in the overview table in the catalogue.

UV-resistant is generally used as a colloquial term to indicate that the properties of a material do not change at all or not significantly due to UV irradiation. UV-stabilised specifies relevant ambient conditions (e.g. (e.g. irradiance and irradiation duration). UV irradiation can alter the properties of the tapes within acceptable limits.

Do the BBC Cellpack gel products impact the rubber cable sheath (e.g. H07RN-F) and can they be used for this purpose?

The BBC Cellpack gel products are made from cross-linked silicone. As soon as the silicone has cross-linked, the tolerance is not limited.

In which temperature range can the Cellpack EASYCELL joints be installed?

The EASYCELL joints can be installed in a range from -10°C to +60°C.

After installation, the joints can be operated in a temperature range from -20°C to +90°C.

To which extent do cast resin joints protect against the penetration of gases?

Test standard DIN EN 50393 does not contain any test of the entire system for the impact of gases.

Changes in the properties depending on the substance and concentration are also not tested.

To which extent do cast resin joints protect against the penetration of water?

If assembled correctly in accordance with the specifications in the assembly instructions, the cast resin systems are protected against water penetration up to 1m depth.

Test standard DIN EN 50393 contains corresponding tests at a water depth of 1m.

Is an SR installation of SMH under plaster possible?

The heat shrinkable kits offered by BBC Cellpack are suitable for concealed installation. We do not recommend using individual tubes without hot-melt adhesive, since in this case, there is no protection against the penetration of moisture and the insulating function of the hose over the offset cable cannot be fulfilled.

Is it possible to connect or branch off several cables using an Easycell branch joint?

The joint shell and the associated branch block are designed to accommodate a continuous main cable and a branch cable.

Can BBC Cellpack cast resin also be used in connection with other housing shapes (e.g. branch box)?

This generally does not prove a problem as long as the housing has been sealed when casting and/or the cat resin cannot escape after the casting until it has hardened.

Is it possible, to use clamps in spring clamp technology in combination with Cellpack sealing compounds (gel / cast resin)?

The suitability of WAGO's spring clamp technology has been tested and approved for applications using PUR gel as well as for Cellpack's EG and CG cast resin types. There is no experience or test results beyond these approvals as to how the various other sealing materials available from Cellpack affect the plastic material of the clamps and whether the cast resins or gels have any effect on the long-term quality of the contact behaviour of the clamps. The application confirmation for further cast resin types is therefore not currently possible and can only be made after additional tests.

Can a hot-air blower also be used to shrink heat shrinkable components?

Heat shrinkable components are components that shrink back to their original production state when heat is applied, such as spreader caps, end caps, hoses, or sleeves. A hot-air blower can be used for shrinking. The heat input, however, is lower compared to a gas burner. This prolongs the duration of the shrinking process. The settings and nozzle must be individually selected depending on the hot-air blower used. It is important to make sure that the surface of the shrinkable tube is not burned.

If it is a hose with hot melt adhesive (SRH...), the adhesive will slowly flow out at both ends. Uniform wall thicknesses and straight labelling are important indicators for correct shrinkage.

Can the Easycell® joint also be used as an end joint?

This use is generally possible. However, it has to be ensured that sufficient gel is displaced. This means that both gel surfaces must close around the cable end to ensure a seal against moisture.

Can a polyurethane 2-component cast resin be used after the best-before date?

The formulas of most 2-component cast resins have components with different properties. Using the cast resin within the best-before date guarantees safe handling and ensures that the functions work properly when used properly. The mixture may still work once the best-before date has been exceeded. However, the properties may deviate.

Can an Easycell® joint also be assembled at cold temperatures?

The EASYCELL joints can be mounted in a range from -10°C to +60°C. As with all other joints, care must also be taken that there is no moisture in the entire gel joint area, snow and ice included.

Can a cast resin joint be cast when live?

The joint can be used straight after casting and/or when live. The relevant provisions “Working with live parts” must be complied with.

Can I make my own joint from various heat shrinkable tubes?

Our joints go through extensive tests, such as test standard DIN EN 50393. We thus guarantee that our joints function permanently and are safe. We seriously discourage you from making your own joint so that you do not have to assume responsibility.

Can BBC Cellpack DR / DR-L crimp connectors, such as those included in the Easy-Fix repair kit, be used for solid conductors?

If the DR-L connectors have a second crimping point in the component application, they can be used on solid conductors. Since the DR connectors are designed shorter and only allow one crimping point, the component application cannot be used for solid conductors. The common crimping pliers have 2 crimping points in the jaws, i.e. on the DR-L, the pliers are applied 2x for left and right. On the DR, the pliers are pressed on both sides with 1x pressing operation. The EASY-FIX system application is in turn available on solid conductors.

(Component application = direct reference to the crimp connector)

Can BBC Cellpack DR crimped connectors be used for connecting different cable classes / core cross-sections?

As there are a multitude of crimping pliers, this application primarily depends on the tool used. 
We therefore recommend to check and approve this application yourself.

Can BBC Cellpack EASYCELL® be used in water?

All EASYCELL® joints are tested in accordance with test standard DIN EN 50393. This standard requires for the load to be changed with 0.1 bar water pressure. This means that the joint can be used in water depths of up to 1m. The assembly specifications must be complied with at all times. Deeper applications can be agreed with the manufacturer, but have to be tested separately

Can the SRMAHV shrinkable sleeves also be used to repair a cable sheath in low or medium voltage cables?

The res ponsible person in the network is responsible for deciding whether a cable sheath can be repaired. This depends on the damage and the properties the cable sheath satisfies. In general, a cable may only be repaired with a sleeve if the damage affects only the outer cable sheath. If additional damage to the core insulation is detected, repairs by means of a sleeve are not permitted. The cable must then be repaired as a complete system, either with additional insulating and sealing components over the damaged core(s) or, if necessary, by installing a straight-through joint over the damaged cable section.


If it decided to use shrinkable sleeves, the sleeve should be selected according to the values mentioned in the catalogue. The operating voltage of the cable is not the deciding factor when selecting the right sleeve. The function of sleeves is described as follows - restoration of the outer cable sheath in its three functions insulation, protection against moisture and mechanical protection.

Can three cable ends be interconnected?

Straight-through joints are designed for butt jointing two cables. Branch joints, on the other hand, are intended for a main conductor (which is not cut) and an outgoing cable. It is very difficult to join all three cable ends in one joint due to the lack of volume inside the shell and the need for special connectors. In addition, BBC Cellpack's standard joints were not designed for this application. We recommend using the following constellation to ensure a reliable and secure connection:

One exception to this rule are the two cast resin branch joints T1/EG/V/WAGO and Y1/EG/V/WAGO. They can be used to connect or branch three cable ends with up to 5x 0.5mm² - 5x 4mm² in one joint. The set contains 5 pieces of each WAGO COMPACT 221-413 series splicing connector.

Can sets be used under the influence of public swimming pool water?

Public swimming pool water contains a certain concentration of chlorine. This point falls under the term “resistant to chemical effects”. This means that tests with the actual chlorine content and/or composition of the water (e.g. thermal water) are necessary. Of course it has to be assumed that the components have been properly assembled and used as specified.

Can cast resin joints that were not completely cast during installation still be fully cast at a later point in time?

Such joints cannot be subsequently filled with cast resin, since proper casting cannot be guaranteed. (Various environmental conditions, such as temperature, humidity or dirt affect the result. These conditions have not been checked.)

Are BBC Cellpack sets resistant to organic fertilisers?

Organic fertilisers are composed of different chemical substances, such as ammonia or nitrate in varying concentrations. As a result, it is not possible to carry out a meaningful test of the sets with regard to organic fertilisers.

Are BBC Cellpack sealing compounds resistant to petrol?

BBC Cellpack's polyurethane-based sealing compounds are susceptible to petrol, which can affect their properties.

Can the EASYCELL straight-through joints be combined with CU conductors and AL conductors?

Yes, EASYCELL 3V, 4V and 5V can be combined with CU conductors and AL conductors, since they have a tin-plated connection block with separator.

Are gel joints suitable for multiple use (reusability)?

The gel joints from the EASYCELL® , EASY-PROTECT and EASY-PROTECT Inline product range are designed for single use only.

Do BBC Cellpack tubes – type SR(H), SRAT and SRBB – contain chlorine and sulphur?

Cellpack SR(H), SRAT, SRBB hoses do not contain chlorine (or any other halogen-containing materials), sulphur, heavy metals or substances that are hazardous to health. A corresponding RohS and Reach conformity confirmation is available for the respective component.

What must be taken into account with components that contain halogens and their application?

The requirements placed by the customer/user on the end product and the requirement for its proper function in its operating environment are important.

In general, halogen-free heat shrinkable components can also be used on cables that contain halogen (PVC) and heat shrinkable components that contain halogen (e.g. flame-retardant hoses) can generally also be used on halogen-free cables (PE, XLPE).

What is the difference between hardening time and pot life?

The hardening time describes the time required for hardening 100% with the mechanical properties of components A and B. The pot life is a standardised term which colloquially is defined as processing period. Reactions may be quick or slow, depending on different temperatures.

What is the advantage of BBC Cellpack gels?

This new technology combines easy handling, unlabelled material and indefinite storage periods. The electrical properties after hardening create a permanent and reliable cable connection. We recommend to keep a minimum wiring distance between the terminals / cores and walls of the branch boxes.

What is the advantage of BBC Cellpack cast resin joints?

Our cast resin systems have been tried and tested over decades. The electrical and mechanical properties after hardening create a permanent and reliable cable connection. We provide a wide range of cast resins for multiple application areas.

What is the advantage of BBC Cellpack heat shrinkable cable joints?

Our heat shrinkable products have been tried and tested over decades. The electrical and mechanical properties after cooling down create a permanent and reliable cable connection. Heat shrinkable products can be ordered for stockpiling as they can be stored for indefinite periods.

What is the service life of cable fittings from BBC Cellpack GmbH?

BBC Cellpack Electrical Products has been selling cable accessories for low and medium voltage applications for more than 40 years. Based on feedback from our customers and their records, as well as the very low number of complaints, it can be stated that safe operation of our cable accessories for low voltage and medium voltage applications is achievable for a period of more than thirty years.

Important note on warranty:

BBC Cellpack Electrical Products is only supplying components (kit) with installation instructions describing their assembly steps. The assembly of the cable accessories itself is not carried out by BBC Cellpack, but by the customer or an assembly company appointed by the customer. In general, in accordance with legal requirements, BBC Cellpack Electrical Products can only provide warranty for the components (kit) supplied, but not for the assembled cable accessories, as BBC Cellpack Electrical Products has no necessary influence on the quality of cable preparation and assembly of the cable accessory or their operation in the network. The cable accessories are free from material defects if they are suitable for the use stipulated in the contract at the time of handover to the customer. The specification of the expected lifetime does not represent a guarantee, assurance, quality agreement or other commitment binding on the seller and also does not represent an extension of the warranty period beyond the warranty within the framework of the statutory periods.

Description of various factors influencing the service life of cable accessories:

There are several factors that can negatively affect the service life of a cable accessory. In our experience, these include normally and not exclusively cable preparation and assembly, network operation or the network conditions themselves, as well as the storage of the kit or the temperature at which the installation is carried out. Due to the many possible influencing factors, this list does not claim to be complete. A legally binding general statement on the service life by BBC Cellpack Electrical Products is therefore not possible and will not be given by us. Influence of cable preparation and assembly on the service life of cable accessories: Basic requirement to achieve the lifetime are careful and clean cable preparation in accordance with the state of technology, but also careful and conscientious compliance with the work steps specified in BBC Cellpack installation instructions. In addition to this requirement, only components supplied from the manufacturer as part of the kit or recommended or approved by the manufacturer, for example connectors qualified according to IEC61238, may be used for proper installation and function of the product. For proper installation as a prerequisite for a long service life, user training is recommended for new products or technically complex solutions.

Influence of network operation or network conditions on the service life of cable accessories:

The service life of a product always depends on the conditions of the power supply network acting on the product. BBC Cellpack Electrical Products cable accessories are type-tested in the low-voltage range in accordance with or based on the EN50393 standard, and in the medium-voltage range in accordance with or based on the HD629 standard. Electrical, mechanical or thermal stresses exceeding the requirements of these standards may have significant effects, i. e. lead to a reduction in the service life of the cable accessories. Thus, no estimate of the possible or remaining service life can be made if, for example, effects of short circuits or transient voltage increases due to switching operations or lightning surge voltages have occurred. The application of the aforementioned standards is not legally binding. However, even if all standards are applied, not all of the influencing factors that may affect the service life of cable accessories are conclusively.

Influence of the storage conditions of the delivered product as well as the temperature during installation on the service life of cable accessories:

In the question of proper storage conditions, a distinction must be made according to the technology used: Components and products using cast resin, gel or cold shrink technology or other cold-applied products may be subject to restrictions on storage time, restrictions on storage conditions or recommendations on installation conditions. Corresponding information on the maximum permitted storage time, the recommended storage conditions and the recommended temperature range for assembly can be found in the product documentation and is also listed in brief form on the product label/label.

What is important to consider in connection with cast resin and rain / moisture?

Polyurethane (PUR) cast resins consist of two components, one resin and one hardening component. Elements of the hardening component react more easily with water than with the PUR resin component. The mixture foams on contact with moisture. The electrically and mechanically required properties are not met in this case. Special cast resin systems, such as the UWR cast resin, are available when working in humid conditions.

What is the transport, storage, mounting and operation conditions for BBC Cellpack heat shrink joints and components for low voltage cables up to Umax = 1,2kV?

1. Instruction of transportation and storage:

Storage conditions

Temperature range0...+40°C        

Deviations from these conditions during storage can lead to restrictions in the function of individual components and in individual cases make assembly difficult or impossible.

2. Instructions of Mounting:

3. Operation:

Operating temperature range (always dependant also on the cable criteria):

SMH4 - Heat shrink joints for LV cables – operating temperature range of heat shrink tubes of the kits-40°C up to +120°CSKH – Heat shrink end caps-40°C up to +100°CSEH - Heat shrink spreader caps-40°C up to +100°CSRH3 - Heat shrink thick wall tube-40°C up to +120°CSRMAHV - Heat shrink repair sleeve-40°C to +120°C

The more information on individual product characteristics can be found in the product data sheet.

How long does the EG cast resin take to harden at an ambient temperature of 15 °C?

The hardening time of the liquid EG cast resin depends on the ambient temperature, component temperature and cast resin volume. The following diagramme contains more information on this topic: 

Which sets are suitable for use in potentially explosive atmospheres (ATEX)?

There are currently no sets available for EX areas due to normative changes.

Which cast resins does BBC Cellpack provide?

Cast resin have excellent electrical insulating properties. Different cast resins can be selected for different application areas:

EG: Universal cast resin for plastic, paper-insulated low voltage cables, telecommunication cables and messaging cables. EG is protects medium voltage cables from mechanical impacts and moisture.

GG: Special cast resin for health and safety at work due to reduced hazardous substance labelling. GG is suitable for plastic aand paper-insulated low voltage cables.

FG: Flexible cast resin is suitable for repairing damaged cable sheaths and connecting flexible cables.

UG: Meets tougher fire protection requirements and is used in the mining industry.

UWR: Is water-resistant and makes it possible to cast whilst exposed to moisture.

WG: The hardened moulding material can be easily removed again using small tools.

CG:  Environmentally friendly removable cold casting mass made on a hydrocarbon basis. CG is free from silicones and isocyanates and has no hazardous substances label.

Which crimping pliers can be used for AVS and AVUS core connectors?

Use standard over-the-counter crimping pliers. Please enquire with the manufacturer of your choice.

Which impact wrenches are suitable for shearing off shear head bolts?
  • The tools in the table have been tried and tested as assembly tools. A manufacturer-independent release of impact wrenches is not possible according to the current status, since only tested devices can be released (product liability).
  • Notes on assembly: The tools must not have any defects and must be used properly and according to the enclosed instructions. They must also be positioned correctly and perpendicular to the shear bolt.
  • There must be no leverage effect on the shear bolt. Suitable tool inserts (one-piece) must be used. The battery must be sufficiently charged. The assembly must be carried out according to the assembly instructions. The connectors or cable lugs must be approved for the respective application.

What temperatures must be observed when storing BBC Cellpack PUR cast resin products?

The recommended storage temperature for PUR cast resin products offered by BBC Cellpack is between 15°C and 35°C.

Which heat shrinkable tubes are permitted in accordance with UL (Underwriters Laboratories)?

The SR1F and SR1F3 tubes are permitted in accordance with UL. Both tube types are listed in the UL list under document number E172094.

How do I dispose of excess cast resin?

Unused cast resin hardens in the bag. Once fully hardened and as long as components A and B have been fully mixed, it can be simply discarded with the residual waste.

How does the shrinkable tube work?

A tube is initially extruded from polyolefin pellets. Depending on the type of tube, the hot melt adhesive is introduced in this step (co-extruded). The tubes are then electron beam cross linked. This changes the molecular structure and the tubes receive a “memory”. In another work step with heat supply, the tube is expanded to the required diameter, then cooled down and cut. When heating up, the tube “remembers” its original state and shrinks back.

What is the protection calss (IPXX) of heat shrinkable cable joints and heat shrinkable tubes?

The low voltage heat shrinkable tubes must meet the requirements of the DIN EN 50393 standard. This standard gives a detailed description of test methods and requirements for sets with a nominal voltage of 0.6 / 1.0 (1.2) kV. The standard properties and requirements for heat shrinkable tubes are contained in the DIN IEC 60684 standard (Part 1: Terminology and general requirements; Part 2: Test methods; Part 3: Requirements for individual tube types).
The allocation of protection classes (protection types) is part of DIN EN 60529 (VDE 0470). According to this standard, the scope of the protection provided by a housing against access to hazardous components, penetration of solid contaminants and/or water penetration has been proven with standardised test methods. In both cases (low voltage heat shrinkable cable joints / tubes), there is no additional housing, which makes it impossible to test the protection class.

How should the SVL shield connection cable be used?

In the installation instructions for the VASMI and SMHF telecommunications joints, this step is described as follows:

A) Preparation of the cables Allow the cables to overlap as shown in the drawing:

The cables are prepared in the same way as for connecting sleeves, depending on the cable type.

B) Shield connection

Establish the shield connection as for the connecting sleeve.

Install the shield connection branch terminal and cable (take it from the MSFA and install it according to the enclosed installation instructions).

The MSFA accessory set is only required for branch sleeves.

What is the processing temperature of thermal stability of POWER GEL?

The recommended processing temperature of POWER GEL is between +15 °C and +30 °C, whereas the thermal stability is between -40 °C and +150 °C.

How can a flat cable (e.g. pump connection cable) be connected with a “normal” cable?

A cast resin joint can generally be used for this if the minimum distances are complied with. It is a little more difficult, but generally possible, to seal the flat cable into the round infeed of the shell. Heat shrinkable and gel cable joints are less suitable for this job due to the flat cable.

How long does the cast resin have to be mixed for?

During the kneading process, the resin and hardener are mixed and start an exothermic chemical reaction. The assembly instructions provided show a bag mixing time of 3 minutes. If the mixing time is shorter, the components are not sufficiently mixed. Contrary to popular opinion, the cast resin does not “dry”; if the reaction cannot occur, the mix will not harden. The electrically and mechanically required properties are not met in this case.

How can pump lines be connected?

Pump lines are different from radial cables or lines due to their flat design and fine-stranded conductors (class 5) are also common. This is why the following must be observed when selecting and assembling the joint:
• Maximum number of cores 4 conductors per cable end.
• Spacer plates must be used to arrange the connectors. They are included with our M11, M12, M13S and M13 cast resin joints.
• The joint must provide sufficient space for the flat cable to be inserted (max. cable Ø mm).
• Suitable compression connectors and compression tools must be used.
• To make it easier to seal the flat cable to the plastic shell of the joint, we recommend using a sealing compound, such as our HKB mastic tape (item no.: 127651).
• For standardisation reasons, the water depth should not exceed 1m.
The assembly can be carried out as shown in the drawings:

How do I assemble a press cable lug?

There are different options:

1) Copper press cable lugs in accordance with DIN 46235 and aluminium press cable lugs in accordance with DIN 46239 are pressed using the hex method in accordance with DIN 48083. The press insert to be used depends on the external diameter, which is always stated on the component. The pressing process evenly deforms the individual cores, thus creating a stable electrical and mechanical connection.

2) If the cable lug is specific to a manufacturer (so-called tube cable lug), it is only permissible for the copper area and cable class 2 in accordance with DIN 60228 in most cases. In such case, the system specific to the manufacturer must always be used.

In both cases, the pressing process starts from the centre of the bore hole (as marked) and continues toward the cable. The pressing makes the connector a little longer. A pressing excess of 5 mm (Cu) and 10 mm (Al) is therefore accounted for when preparing the cable.

How do I assemble a press connector?

There are different options: 

1) Copper press connectors in accordance with DIN 46267-1 and aluminium press connectors in accordance with DIN 46267-2 are pressed using the hex method in accordance with DIN 48083. The press insert to be used depends on the external diameter, which is always stated on the component. The pressing process evenly deforms the individual cores, thus creating a stable electrical and mechanical connection.

2) If the press connector is specific to a manufacturer (so-called butt splice-connector), the manufacturer’s instructions must always be complied with.

In both cases, the pressing process starts from the centre of the connector (as marked) and continues toward the cable. The pressing makes the press connector a little longer. A pressing excess of 5 mm (Cu) and 10 mm (Al) is therefore accounted for when preparing the cable.

How do I assemble a screw connector (CSV, CSV-T, CSV-LHS)?

For screw connectors with shear bolts, all bolts must be tightened in sequence during assembly.

If there are two bolts per cable side, the bolt toward the cable is then sheared off first followed by the bolt to the centre of the connector. For screw connectors with just one bolt each, these must be tightened evenly until shearing off.

How do I correctly shrink a spreader cap SEH...?

Firstly, position the spreader cap on the cable joint. Initially set the blow torch to a soft yellow flame. Now start heating up the interstice (1) radially. Continue this movement whilst shrinking the shaft (2+3) toward the cable sheath. Now change back to the shaft and evenly shrink the fingers (4) toward the core; also heat up the inside of the splice. The adhesive slowly escapes at the end of the shaft and the spreader fingers after a short period. Important indicators that the shrinking process has been completed correctly are even wall strengths and straight labelling.

How do I correctly shrink a heat shrinkable tube (SR...)?

Firstly, position the shrinkable tube. Initially set the blow torch to a soft yellow flame. Now start the heating process from the centre and radiating outward. Continue this movement whilst initially shrinking one full side. Now change back to the centre and repeat the process on the other side.
If the tube contains hot melt adhesive (SRH...), the adhesive slowly escapes at both ends. Important indicators that the shrinking process has been completed correctly are even wall strengths and straight labelling. Below is an image from straight-through joint assembly instructions:

How is the BBC Cellpack cast resin used?

STEP 1: Ideally, the bag has a temperature of around 20 °C.
STEP 2: Before starting the mixing process, the separator between resin and hardener has to be removed. The sealed mixing bag makes contact with the two components impossible.
STEP 3: During the mixing process, both components must be mixed until one homogenous mass as best as possible. The times specified in the processing instructions, 3 minutes, must be complied with.
STEPS 4+5: It is not enough to simply sway or shake the bag. To prevent cast resin losses as much as possible, it is recommended to spread the cast resin from the corners and roll up the empty end.
STEPS 6+7: Afterwards, one corner of the bag can be cut open to pour the cast resin into the joint. Below is an image of the assembly instructions with the separate steps:

How is a SHE heat shrinkable wall duct used?

This is used for easily feeding cables and cores through walls in buildings.

Simply put, it is a shrinkable tube that is positioned on a formative metal spiral. Once installed, the cable is pushed through the duct in the house and sealed by simply heating up the ends of the house duct. This is the assembly process:

First drill a hole through the brickwork. It is recommended to refer to the BBC Cellpack data sheet to ensure that the right drill bit with the right diameter is being used. The cable centering aid can be used for aligning the house connection point. When the distances are correct, the sealing compound can be prepared. Like the cast resin, it is mixed in a two-chamber bag but has a much quicker reaction time. A homogenous sealing is now created with a spatula. Due to the shorter processing time, a separate bag can be used for the inside and outside.

Plug-in technology

Can the lubricant from other manufacturers be used instead of GM1 for cable connections?

No, this is not recommended. The lubricants are assigned to specific cable accessories. Most of them have electrical properties in specific areas (e.g. dissipation factor or dielectric constant). Standardisation is not possible.

Can the BBC Cellpack test adapters also be used for the screw-on T-cable connectors from other manufacturers?

The test adapters are intended exclusively for use in screwable shielded T-shaped EPDM cable connectors of types CTS and CTKS. Use of the screw inserts in cable connectors from other manufacturers is not permitted.

The surfaces of the screw and plug-in cable connections made of EPDM rubber (Cellplux) glisten, is that a problem?

Deposits in the form of uniform crystal formation on the inner surface of EPDM insulating bodies are process-related degradation products of the peroxide used in the manufacturing process. There are no negative findings on the function-impairing effects of such crystal formation.

Depending on the storage temperature and duration, these crystals can form on all surfaces. In the event of very heavy crystal formation, it is recommended that the inner surfaces are wiped out as part of the inspection and cleaning prior to installation in order to avoid influences when screwing in the insulating terminations or placing the insulating body on the bushing.

In which environments with which pollution class according to IEC TS 60815-1 can the plug-in connectors (CTS, CWS, CTKS, CGS, CTS-S) be used?

In contrast to unshielded connectors or heat-shrinkable connectors, shielded connectors from BBC Cellpack Electrical Products pose no problem for the environment. The following connectors: CTS, CWS, CTKS, CGS, CTS-S can be used in environments with different pollution classes.

Can any cone-shaped voltage sensor (IEC 61869-11) be used with the BBC Cellpack connectors (CTS, CTKS, CTS-S, CTKSA)?

Can the plugs with cable adapters (CTS, CWS, CTKS, CGS, CTS S) be used outdoors (with UV radiation)?

The conductive black outer coating of the EPDM base body absorbs UV radiation. Due to this UV absorption behavior of the material, damage to deeper layers is not to be expected when exposed to UV. The cable adapter is also made of EPDM and can be used outdoors.

Can cable connections with wound sealing (e.g. CTS) be used outdoors (with UV radiation)?

The conductive black outer EPDM coating absorbs UV radiation; UV exposure may at most lead to surface ageing at the material's boundary with the outside atmosphere. Due to the material's UV absorption behavior, damage to deeper layers is not to be expected from UV exposure. However, the EPDM sealing wrap must also be wrapped with UV-stabilized PVC insulation tape (e.g. No. 328).

Can the screw cable lugs of the Cellplux connector family be used on a fine-stranded cable with a Class 5 copper conductor?

The application is possible according to the compatibility table. The cross-sectional area differs from the current standard products.

Download overview

With which degree of pollution, according to IEC TS 60815-1, can the connectors (CTS, CWS, CTKS, CGS, CTS-S) be used?

The degree of pollution is not important for the shielded plug connections from BBC Cellpack Electrical Products, in contrast to unshielded plug connections. The following plugs CTS, CWS, CTKS, CGS, CTS-S may be used in environments with different degrees of pollution.

What is the tightening torque of the PIN of a CWS 400A connector if the Alen Key is no longer present?

The tightening torque is 30Nm.

What is the difference between EPDM and SIR insulation for cable connectors?

Both ethylene propylene diene rubber (EPDM) and silicone rubber (SIR) are good insulating materials. And plug connectors with both insulations successfully pass the tests according to HD 629.1.

Gel joints

Can I use an Easycell branch joint to connect or branch off several cables?

Thanks to their design, the joint shell and the associated branch-off block are suitable for one continuous main cable and one branch cable.

Connection technique

For which conductor types/conductor classes can I use BBC Cellpack screw connectors type CSV, CSV-T and screw cable lug type CSK?

The following conductor types are tested at the factory: RE (round, solid), RM (round, stranded), SE (sector, solid) and SM (sector, stranded).

Connectors and cable lugs are approved for conductor class 1 (solid conductor construction) and 2 (stranded conductor construction). Compacted conductors (RMv and SMv) are also supported. No approval is available for conductor class 5 (fine stranded conductors) and conductor class 6 (superfine stranded conductors).

Can the contact bolt be reused with Cellplux CTS and CTKS plug connectors?

The contact bolt can be removed with a long socket, which makes reuse possible. The use of an additional set is recommended, as the surfaces must be cleaned and the GM1 lubricant must be reused. Care must also be taken to ensure appropriate ventilation during installation on the bushing and the end insert. The required torque is available on request.

Is it possible to use the CHE/CAE and CHESK/CAESK end caps with the class 5 & 6 conductor?

Yes, CHE/CAE terminations can be used with conductor classes 5 & 6 in accordance with the cross-sectional areas in the data sheet. Appropriate cable lugs suitable for this conductor class must be used. CHESK/CAESK terminations differ from CHE/CAE by the screw cable lug in the kit. Use on conductor classes 5 & 6 is not possible.

Can BBC Cellpack DR / DR-L crimp connectors, such as those included in the Easy-Fix repair set, be used for solid conductors?

If the DR-L connectors have a second crimping point in the component application, they can be used on solid conductors. As the DR connectors are shorter and only one crimping point is possible, the component application for solid conductors is not possible. The standard crimping pliers can have 2 crimping points in the jaws, which means that with the DR-L the pliers are used twice for left and right, whereas with the DR the pliers crimp both sides with one crimping operation. Again, the EASY-FIX system application on solid conductors is given.

(Component application = direct connection of the crimp connector)

Can the screw cable lugs of the Cellplux connector family be used on a flexible cable (e.g.: PowerAmp-AMS) with a class 5 aluminium conductor?

The screw cable lugs of the connector family are not suitable for this application. This type of cable is very specialised and requires more in-depth testing for suitability.

Can the CSV-LHS & CSV-T screw connectors and the CSK screw cable lugs be used for aluminium and copper conductors or parts (e.g.: busbar)?

The CSV-LHS & CSV-T screw connectors and CSK screw cable lugs from BBC Cellpack are made from an aluminium alloy. As part of the galvanisation process, the entire surface (inside and outside) is tin-plated. Tin is a typical coating material that can be used for both aluminium and copper parts and allows direct contact between aluminium and copper parts without additional handling. Please note that the tin layer must not be damaged. This is the most modern technology used by all major manufacturers of screw connectors and cable lugs in Europe.

Are BBC Cellpack products (articles) with the SVHC substance lead listed in the SCIP database?

We hereby inform you that our products (articles) with the SVHC substance lead (CAS 7439-92-1) in a concentration higher than 0.1 % are registered in the SCIP database at the ECHA (European Chemicals Agency). The products receive aluminium and/or copper alloys in our joining technology and were mentioned in the current REACH declaration of conformity to Directive EC/1907/2006 of 28.02.2022. They may continue to be sold and are not subject to a sales ban. The SCIP database number is protected by data protection laws and is not listed here.

The reason for introducing the SCIP database is described in Directive (EU) 2018/851, paragraph 38: ‘When products, materials and substances become waste, the presence of hazardous substances in these wastes may make them unsuitable for recycling or for the production of high-quality secondary raw materials. Therefore, in line with the Seventh Environmental Action Programme, which provides for the development of zero-impact material cycles, it is necessary to promote measures to reduce the content of hazardous substances in materials and products, including recycled materials, and to ensure that sufficient information on the presence of hazardous substances, and in particular substances of very high concern, is provided throughout the life cycle of products and materials. In order to achieve these objectives, it is necessary to better harmonise Union legislation on waste, chemicals and products and to involve the European Chemicals Agency to ensure that information on the presence of substances of very high concern is provided throughout the life cycle of products and materials, including at the waste stage.’

When is it advisable to use a counterholder?

During the assembly of screw connectors and screw cable lugs, forces occur that can no longer be compensated for by hand. As a result, deformations can occur in the transition area. Deformations can impair the function of the fitting and damage the conductor material. The use of a counterholder is recommended due to the leverage effect of various tools.

Do BBC Cellpack cable accessories have integrated strain relief?

The tensile strength of BBC Cellpack fittings depends on the system used (e.g.: shell with fastening, screw connection, tensile connectors). The standard for fittings does not provide for a tensile test of the assembled sleeve. The standard for compression and screw connectors refers to DIN EN 61238-1, which describes the requirements for mechanical testing. Strain relief does not imply the application of tensile forces.

Which cordless impact wrenches are approved for the assembly of screw connectors and screw cable lugs from BBC Cellpack?
Which cable lugs are suitable for outdoor terminations?

If a cable lug is not already supplied by BBC Cellpack, it must be selected according to certain criteria. In addition to the conductor (material, cross-section, shape), the length and diameter of the hole, longitudinal watertightness is particularly important. This is due to the fact that the fitting is directly exposed to environmental influences (e.g. rain).

Which compression cable lugs and compression connectors can be used for conductor class 5 + 6 (fine stranded + superfine stranded, according to DIN/IEC 60228)?

Compression cable lugs to DIN 46235 and compression connectors to DIN 46267 are generally suitable for hexagonal compression of class 5 and 6 conductors (DIN/IEC 60228); this can be verified in a separate test sequence (e.g. DIN IEC 61238).

Which crimping pliers can be used for DR crimp connectors and EASY-FIX shrink fittings?

The standard crimping pliers available on the market for insulated connectors must be used. Please enquire with your trusted manufacturer.

Which impact wrenches are suitable for tearing off shear head screws?
  • The tools in the table have been tested as assembly tools. As things stand at present, there will be no manufacturer-neutral approval of impact wrenches, as only tested tools can be approved (product liability).
  • Notes on assembly: The tools must not be defective, must be used correctly and in accordance with the enclosed instructions and must be positioned correctly and perpendicular to the shear bolt.
  • There must be no leverage on the shear bolt. Suitable tool inserts (one-piece) must be used. The battery must be sufficiently charged. Assembly must be carried out in accordance with the assembly instructions. The connectors or cable lugs must be approved for the respective area of application.schuhe müssen für den jeweiligen Anwendungsbereich zugelassen sein.

Which connectors can be used for connecting of concentric conductors (Ceander , wire screen ) can be used?

For concentric conductors (without a fixed conductor shape), compression connectors that have been tested in accordance with DIN 46267 can be used. Screw solutions are also possible, but these must first be tested for suitability.

How can AK screw-type branch terminals be used?

The AK screw-type branch terminals from BBC Cellpack are suitable for branching aluminium or copper conductors. To ensure that no parts are lost, it is advisable to open the AK terminal only after the cable ends have been prepared. To do this, the main conductor is stripped in the contact area without cutting the conductor. The conductor of the branch is also stripped at the end and then placed over the main conductor. To open the AK terminal block, remove the contact screw and the upper plastic half. The AK terminal is assembled in reverse order.

It is also possible to connect two aluminium or two copper conductors, but the combination of Al and CU is not possible due to the design.


How can FK overhead line clamps be used?

The FK overhead cable clamps from BBC Cellpack are suitable for branching copper conductors. To ensure that no parts are lost, it is advisable to open the FK clamp only after the cable ends have been prepared. To do this, the main conductor is stripped in the contact area without cutting the conductor. The conductor of the branch is also stripped at the end and then placed over the main conductor. To open the FK terminal, remove the nut. The FK terminal is installed in reverse order. It is also possible to connect two copper conductors.

How can KP branch terminals be used?

The KP branch terminals from BBC Cellpack are suitable for branching copper conductors. To open the KP terminal, the screw is turned to the end of the thread. The main and branch cables are then positioned in the housing cut-outs provided without stripping the insulation. To assemble the KP terminal, the screw is tightened again and the wires are contacted using the integrated contact cutter.

Heat shrink technology

Are BBC Cellpack SHE house entries suitable for installation in a floor slab, e.g. as a replacement for a multi-section house entry?

The SHE building entry system is not suitable for installation in floor slabs.

An E90 cable is damaged on the outer sheath. Can a shrink sleeve be used to repair it?

Whether a shrink sleeve is possible for cable sheath repair is a matter for the cable manufacturer's damage assessment. The shrink sleeve only provides mechanical protection and prevents the ingress of moisture. The shrink sleeve does not fulfil any beneficial properties for the operation of E90.

Is the SRAT or SRBB heat-shrinkable tubing suitable for protecting busbars and shortening distances?

SRAT heat-shrinkable tubing can be used as wire insulation tubing for terminations and as protection against corrosion. It must not be used to protect busbars or to shorten the distances between these busbars. This function has not been tested and can therefore not be guaranteed. The suitable solution for this application is the SRBB conduit.

Is SR installation of SMH under plaster possible?

The heat-shrinkable fittings offered by BBC Cellpack are suitable for installation under plaster. The use of individual conduits without hot-melt adhesive is not recommended, as in this case there is no protection against the ingress of moisture and the insulating function of the conduit over the remote cable cannot be fulfilled.

Can a hot air gun also be used to shrink heat-shrink components?

Heat-shrink components are components that shrink back to their original production state when heat is applied, such as, for example: Split caps, end caps, hoses or sleeves. A hot air blower can be used for shrinking. However, the heat input is lower compared to a gas burner. This extends the duration of the shrinking process. The settings and nozzle must be selected individually depending on the hot air gun used. It is important to ensure that no burns occur on the surface of the shrink tubing.

If it is a tube with hot-melt adhesive (SRH...), the adhesive will slowly leak out at both ends. Important indicators of correct shrinkage are even wall thicknesses and straight labelling.

Can't I put together my own sleeve from different types of shrink tubing?

Our sleeves undergo extensive testing procedures, such as the DIN EN 50393 test standard, which enables us to guarantee that our sleeves will function permanently and are safe. To avoid having to take on this responsibility, we strongly advise against doing so.

Can the SRMAHV shrink sleeves also be used to repair a cable sheath in low or medium voltage cables?

The decision as to whether a cable sheath can be repaired lies with the person responsible in the network. This depends on the damage and the properties that the cable sheath fulfils. A cable may generally only be repaired with a sleeve if the damage only affects the outer cable sheath. If additional damage to the core insulation is detected, repair using a sleeve is not permitted. The cable must then be repaired as a complete system, either with additional insulation and sealing components over the damaged core(s) or, if necessary, by installing a connecting sleeve over the damaged cable section.

If the decision is made to repair using a shrink sleeve, the sleeve should be selected based on the values mentioned in the catalogue.

When selecting the correct sleeve, the operating voltage of the cable is not the decisive factor. The functions of the sleeves are described below - restoration of the cable outer sheath in its three functions of insulation, protection against moisture and mechanical protection.

Can CHM/CHMSV 24 kV connecting sleeves also be used for 12 kV cables?

It must be ensured that the cable cross-section and the minimum diameter above the insulation are within the specified range of the fitting. Reverse connection is not possible. In most cases, the system voltages to be used are specified on the existing and enclosed documentation.

Do BBC Cellpack tubes - type SR(H), SRAT and SRBB - contain chlorine and sulphur?

Cellpack SR(H), SRAT, SRBB hoses do not contain any chlorine (or other halogenated materials), sulphur, heavy metals or substances hazardous to health. A corresponding RohS and Reach conformity confirmation is available for the respective component.

What needs to be considered when using components containing halogens?

The customer's/user's requirements for the end product and the requirements for its function in its operating environment are important. In principle, halogen-free shrink components can also be used on halogen-containing cables (PVC) and halogen-containing shrink components (e.g. flame-retardant tubing) can also be used on halogen-free cables (PE, XLPE).

What is the advantage of BBC Cellpack shrink sleeves?

Our heat shrink products have been tried and tested for decades. The electrical and mechanical properties after cooling ensure a durable and reliable cable connection. A heat shrink product can be ordered in stock, as they can be stored indefinitely.

Which accessories are suitable for use in potentially explosive atmospheres (ATEX)?

Due to normative changes, there are currently no fittings available for EX areas.

Which heat-shrink tubing is approved by UL (Underwriters Laboratories)?

UL approved are the hoses type SR1F and SR1F3. Both hose types are listed in the UL directory under document number E172094.

How does a shrink sleeve work?

A pipe is first extruded from polyolefin granulate. Depending on the hose type, the hot-melt adhesive is also applied in this step (co-extruded). The hoses are then subjected to electron beam crosslinking. This changes the molecular structure, giving the hoses a ‘memory’. In a further work step with the addition of heat, the tube is expanded to the required diameter, then cooled directly and finally cut. When heated, the tube ‘remembers’ its original state and shrinks back.

What is the degree of protection (IPXX) of shrink sleeves and shrink tubing?

Low-voltage shrink sleeves are subject to the requirements of the DIN EN 50393 standard, which describes precise test methods and test requirements for fittings with a rated voltage of 0.6/1.0 (1.2) kV. The standard properties and requirements for heat-shrinkable tubing are contained in the IEC 60684 standard (Part 1: Definitions and general requirements, Part 2: Test methods, Part 3: Requirements for individual types of tubing).

The categorisation of degrees of protection (types of protection) is a component of DIN EN 60529 (VDE 0470). According to this standard, the extent of protection provided by an enclosure against access to hazardous parts, against the ingress of solid foreign bodies and/or against the ingress of water is verified by standardised test methods. In both cases (low-voltage shrink sleeves/hoses), there is no additional enclosure, which means that the degree of protection cannot be tested.

Wie ist die Schirmverbindungsleitung SVL zu verwenden?

In der Montageanleitung der Fernmeldemuffen VASMI sowie SMHF wird dieser Schritt wie folgt dargestellt:

A) Vorbereitung der Kabel
Kabel gemäß Zeichnung überlappen lassen:

Die Kabel werden genauso wie bei Verbindungsmuffen, je nach Kabeltyp, vorbereitet.

B) Schirmverbindung

Schirmverbindung wie bei Verbindungsmuffe herstellen.
Schirmverbindungsabzweigklemme und Leitung (aus MSFA entnehmen und gemäß beiliegender Montageanleitung) montieren.

Das Zubehör-Set MSFA ist nur bei Abzweigmuffen notwendig.

How do I shrink a SEH dividing cap... correctly?

First position the splitting cap on the cable splice. First set the gas burner to a soft yellow flame. Now start to heat the gusset (1) radially. Continue this movement while shrinking the shaft (2+3) in the direction of the cable sheath. Now switch back to the shaft and shrink the fingers (4) towards the core at regular intervals, also heating the inside of the splice. After a short time, the adhesive will slowly emerge from the end of the shaft and the splitting fingers. Important indicators of correct shrinkage are even wall thicknesses and straight labelling.

How do I shrink heat-shrink tubing (SR...) correctly?

First position the heat-shrink tubing. First set the gas burner to a soft yellow flame. Now start heating radially from the centre. Continue this movement while first shrinking one side completely. Now switch back to the centre and repeat the process on the other side.

If it is a tube with hot-melt adhesive (SRH...), the adhesive will slowly emerge at both ends. Important indicators of correct shrinkage are even wall thicknesses and straight labelling. The following is an illustration from an assembly instruction for a connection sleeve:

How is an SHE heat-shrinkable building entry system used?

This is used to easily insert cables and lines through walls in buildings.

Put simply, this is a shrink sleeve positioned on a moulded metal spiral. After installation, the cable is pushed through the building entry and sealed by simply heating the ends of the building entry. Installation is as follows:

Firstly, a hole needs to be drilled through the masonry. To ensure that the drill bit with the correct diameter is to hand, it is advisable to consult the BBC Cellpack data sheet. The cable centring device can be used to align the house entry. Once the distances are correct, you can start preparing the sealing compound. This is mixed identically to the casting resin in a two-chamber mixing bag, but has a significantly faster reaction time. A homogeneous seal is now created using a spatula. Due to the short processing time, a separate bag can be used for the inside and outside.