REACH regulation on the restriction of diisocyanates (only for EU countries)
Diisocyanat Training
REACH regulation on the restriction of diisocyanates (only for EU countries)
The European Commission has amended Annex XVII of the REACH Regulation (EC) (new No. 74) with Regulation (EU) 2020/1149, which entered into force on August 24, 2020. After August 24, 2023, diisocyanates shall not be used industrially or commercially as a substance or as a constituent in other substances or mixtures unless
a) the concentration of diisocyanates individually and in combination is less than 0.1% by weight or
b) the employer or self-employed person ensures that industrial or professional users have successfully completed training in the safe use of diisocyanates before using the substance(s) or mixture(s).
This applies to the following BBC Cellpack products:
- Hardener 1 (Hardener of EG, EGG, EGJ, UWR, FG, HCR)
- Hardener WG
- Hardener LG
- Hardener UG
The supplier of the substance(s) or mixture(s) is responsible for ensuring that the employer and self-employed person are aware of the training obligation. To this end, the supplier shall ensure that the following statement is clearly marked on the packaging, distinguishable from the other information on the label: from August 24, 2023, appropriate training must be provided prior to industrial or professional use. The supplier shall also ensure that training materials and training are made available to the recipient of the substance(s) or mixture(s).
With the inclusion of this restriction in Annex XVII of the REACH Regulation, minimum training requirements apply which must be implemented by the employer. Implementation into national law is not necessary, as the requirements of an EU regulation apply directly in the member states. The training does not release the employer from the legal requirements for instruction in accordance with Section 14 GefStoffV.
The member companies of the manufacturer associations ISOPA and ALIPA have undertaken to jointly develop a training concept and training materials and to make the materials available on an Internet platform.
make the materials available on an internet platform. Rollout and testing of the training concept began in selected member states in 2021. In the course of 2022, the
training materials should be available in all EU languages.
All information on training materials and training offers can be found here.